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    Brushing the teeth alone is not enough for healthy teeth.

To maintain health, it is important to remove plaque from all the nooks and corners of each and every tooth. Experts say it's as indispensable to a healthy mouth as brushing, yet most people find it uncomfortable and don't do it regularly.

Regular flossing once a day removes all the plaque from the gum line and in between the teeth.

  • Take a piece of floss (12-18 inches), and wind it around the index finger of each hand

    Grasp floss firmly between the thumb and index finger arriving at the flossing position.The fingers are separated by about an inch.
    Curve the floss around each tooth and gently slide it under the gum line around each tooth

    Remember to be gentle when inserting floss between your teeth and under the gumline. Flossing can injure your gums if done improperly.

    Move the floss up and down several times to remove the plaque.

    Bleeding might occur the first few times but would stop eventually when the gums become healthy.

    Don’t be discouraged with your first attempt. Flossing is a skill that is learned and after a while, it will take only a few minutes of your time.

    If you do not have good finger dexterity, you may find it helpful to use a commercial floss holder.

    Establish a regular pattern and time for flossing, so that you don’t miss any of your teeth.

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